Impossible Cure Newsletter -- March 2010

Can Homeopathy Cure Breast Cancer??

While many homeopaths in India successfully treat cancer (one of the most notable is Dr. A.U. Ramakrishnan), in the United States homeopaths often shy away from treating people with cancer because of legality issues. In particular, most states can prosecute any doctor or healer that attempts to treat cancer in any way besides surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. That's why many patients go to places like Mexico or Europe for alternative cancer treatment.

But science once again is proving the power and potential of homeopathy. In the February 2010 issue of the International Journal of Oncology, a groundbreaking new paper reported a new study at the University of Texas Anderson Cancer Center on the potential of using homeopathic remedies for treating breast cancer. In particular, several homeopathic remedies used at a cancer clinic in India -- Carcinosin (made from cancer), Phytolacca (made from a plant called pokeweed), Conium (made from hemlock), and Thuja (made from an evergreen coniferous tree) -- were applied to breast cancer cells in vitro (i.e. in a test tube or laboratory setting). Despite the fact that these remedies were used in such dilute doses that not even a single molecule of the original substance remained, they had a toxic effect on the breast cancer cells, but did not have the same deleterious effects on normal breast tissue cells! This is wonderful news for breast cancer patients, because it holds out hope for a nontoxic approach to breast cancer. Now let's see if anyone pays attention or let's the news get out!


World Homeopathy Awareness Week Coming Soon: April 10-16 ... and the Annual Joint Homeopathy Conference (April 9-11) too!!

As mentioned in last month's newsletter, the Annual Joint National Homeopathy Conference will be held in Alexandria, Virginia (DC area) April 9--11, 2010. (It's not too late to register!)

Coinciding with the conference is World Homeopathy Awareness Week, which takes place every year on April 10-16, beginning with the anniversary of Samuel Hahnemann's birthday on April 10 (this year we celebrate Sam's 255th birthday). During this week, events take place around the globe to heighten awareness and educate people about homeopathy. This year's theme is Mental Well-Being: Body and Mind in Balance. To learn more, including how you can get involved, go to


Ouch!!!! Arnica to the Rescue....

As I write this month's newsletter, I'm busy watching the Winter Olympics every evening on TV. With every bump and bruise I see in the making, I invariably think to myself, I hope these athlete's have some Arnica handy! Indeed, I recently read that gold-medal-winning skier, Lindsay Vonn, used homeopathy to treat the painful shin injury that almost prevented her from competing.

As Will Taylor, MD was quoted in my book Impossible Cure, sometimes it's hard not to believe that God put Arnica Montana, a little yellow mountain daisy, on Earth in order to convince people of the powers of homeopathy! Arnica is probably the most popular homeopathic remedy, and for good reason. It has numerous applications, but it is best known for its amazing utility in treating cases of blunt injury and trauma.

Last year, I was visiting a cousin in Buffalo when someone called to report that his teenage son Alexander had suffered a mild concussion while skiing in Colorado. Alexander was checked out by a doctor and released, but was still shaken and a bit out of it. I suggested that they get some Arnica. Within just a few minutes after taking it, Alexander felt immensely better. The experience was so striking that it caused both him and his family to become true believers in homeopathy. Up until then, they had remained quite skeptical, despite my enthusiasm.

Arnica has several keynotes that can remind you to use it. First of all, it is the first thing you should think of in case of a fall, a broken bone, or some other kind of injury. It has great application to bruising, bleeding, and soreness. Often the person will be obviously injured, but will insist that "they are okay" when they definitely aren't. They may be in shock and may fear being approached. Just think about how you might feel after a bad tumble and you'll get the idea. Because they tend to fall so often, Arnica is also a great friend to the elderly. My 94-year-old mom has taken it innumerable times. The remedy truly has the ability to alleviate serious bruising, pain, and that "rattled" feeling.

But Arnica has many others uses as well. Because of it's application to soreness, many people find that it can really help alleviate arthritic pain. Arnica is also quite useful for jet-lag, with that feeling of being "out of it," sometimes also with a feeling of soreness while lying in bed. Arnica is also the first thing to try after a jarring and achy dental appointment.

Interestingly, Arnica can also sometimes be useful in cases of acute infectious disease as well. When my son Max had a case of whooping cough, it was not the typical whooping cough remedies that helped him (for example, Drosera is a typical whooping cough remedy), but rather, it was Arnica that saved the day. I decided to try it because Max's eyes had become bloodshot from all the coughing. This unusual symptom pointed to Arnica, and a day after taking it, the whooping cough gone.


Don't forget these handy links....

Impossible Cure Web Site -- the place where you can:
* Listen to archives of Amy's radio show -- for free!
* Find referrals to homeopaths
* Learn more about autism treatment
* Read more cure stories in the Cure Stories Database
* Order copies of Impossible Cure, including at bulk discount prices.

National Center for Homeopathy -- the place where you can:
* Read hundreds of articles about homeopathy
* Find out about homeopathic study groups near you
* Find referrals to homeopaths
* If you are a member -- read materia medica information about particular remedies online, read Homeopathy Today magazine online, and participate in the NCH online community.

World Homeopathy Awareness Week